In April of 2007, Melissa Berry, Gayla Ross, and Gwen Taylor, all members of Vardaman St. Baptist Church, began researching what it would take to open a Christian school in Stone County. Dr. Eugene Anderson, the pastor at Vardaman Street Baptist Church, was consulted on this endeavor since he had opened and run a private Christian school for 10 years. Gwen Taylor went to Pensacola Christian College in July 2007, for office management training and again in March and July of 2008 for Administration training. She also started with all the necessary paperwork to become a non-profit school. In February of 2008, Classic Builders of the Baptist Missionary Association of America (BMAA) donated their time to the remodeling of a leased building. Vardaman Street Christian Academy was able to open in August 2008. In April 2010, we purchased our current building and have added a 40×100 building to it to make new classrooms.
Our name changed to Gateway Christian Academy during the 2014-2015 school year.